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Developed countries allocate between 3 and 5% of their GDP to transport infrastructure, but an efficient financing model has yet to be created. It is this absence of an efficient system of financing that provides the point of departure for the latest Report from the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB), entitled ‘The Financing of Infrastructure’…

 · The investigators indicate that, with proper planning, payment of the tax in its totality could be reduced · The Report indicates that the number of tax audits conducted between 2011 and 2014 represents an increase of only about 0.3% of the tax declarations submitted in Catalonia Download the IEB…

 Download the IEB Report 3/2017 The Institute of Economics of Barcelona (IEB) has published its latest edition of the IEB Report entitled ‘The Economics of Crime: State of the Art and Current Challenges’, which is dedicated to the analysis of the costs of criminal activity and the use of new…

Segons el primer estudi sobre el tax gap aplicat a Catalunya, a l’any 2014, la bretxa fiscal dels quatre principals impostos que gestionava l’Agència Tributària de Catalunya (ATC) va ser de 789,8 milions, el que representa un 26,53% de la recaptació potencial (2.976.63 milions d’euros).  

Associate IEB researcher, Ilias Pasidis, is the author of the latest issue of Info-IEB, entitled “Urban Transport Externalities”. The document, based on the homonymous chapter of his doctoral thesis, analyses the collateral effects of motorways on Europe’s cities.

El Instituto de Economía de Barcelona y la Diputació de Barcelona celebrarán, el próximo viernes 24 de noviembre, la primera “Jornada sobre diferentes modelos de financiación local”, en la que representantes de la administración e investigadores analizarán los sistemas de financiación de los gobiernos locales tanto en Cataluña como en el resto de Europa.