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DOWNLOAD THE IEB REPORT 3/2018 Developed economies in general are currently characterized by high levels of indebtedness, exceeding 100% of GDP as a whole; with a forecast of slow reduction in the medium term. In this year’s IEB Report 3, the contributing researchers look into this scenario to analyze emerging trends of budgetary reform after…

A European Commission report, coordinated by CASE in collaboration with the Barcelona Institute of Economics, calculates that the cumulative gap in VAT revenue collection on the continent amounts to 147 billion euros DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT HERE The cumulative gap in the VAT revenue collection of the 28 members of the European Union in 2016…

The IEB hosted, from September 13th to 14th, the IX Workshop on Economics of Education, coordinated by the researcher of the IEB, Álvaro Choi, and which brought together more than 30 participants. During the two days a total of 10 papers were presented, which dealt with research around education in subjects such as equal opportunities,…

El doctor en Economía por la Universidad de Warwick, Matteo Gamalerio, se incorpora al programa de investigación en Federalismo Fiscal del IEB, donde trabajará como investigador postdoctoral en trabajos relacionados con la Economía Política y las Finanzas Públicas. Además de acabar su tesis doctoral, en la Universidad de Warwick publicó diversos Papers relacionados con los…

On June 28 and 29 last, the Barcelona Institute of Economics, ​​the University of Barcelona and the Association of Education Economics (AEDE) organised the 27th AEDE Meeting, at which a number of leading researchers presented papers on education policy, efficiency and the relationship between school/college curricula and the labour market. The Meeting was attended by…

Download the IEB Report The French experience shows how the tax increases the number of number of first residences available in the market and makes houses more affordable In Spanish cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants the average vacancy rate is 12.3%, while the natural rate should be more like 5%   The Barcelona Institute…