

Universitat de Barcelona logotipo


Dr Daniel Daví, who completed his PhD thesis at the IEB, has received the José Manuel Blecua prize for the best article published in a recognized journal in the field of humanities and social sciences. The prize is awarded by the Social Council of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation.…

The future of healthcare is a key issue today. The pandemic has put the entire system under enormous pressure, but it also allows us to draw conclusions about the response of our healthcare model. A few weeks ago the Ministry of Health presented a draft bill that aims to define the direction of the health…

The IEB has six new PhD students enrolled in the PhD course in Economics at the University of Barcelona (UB). These six new doctoral candidates are from four different nationalities, and all of them have notably international backgrounds. Abhinav Khemka from India has a master’s degree in economics from the University of Queensland, Australia, and…

The economists Rosa Sanchis-Guarner and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela have recently joined the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) as researchers and lecturers at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Barcelona (UB). Professor Sanchis-Guarner has a PhD from the London School of Economics (LSE) and until very recently she was working as a researcher at Queen…

This year, a project led by IEB researcher Miquel-Àngel Garcia-López has been awarded one of the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation’s 15 scholarships for social research, from among 528 entries. The project is entitled “Building and shaping cities for a healthy and prosperous future” and the research team is completed by fellow IEB members Albert Solé-Ollé and…

Among Spain’s regions, Madrid, the Balearic Islands and Catalonia were the ones that collected the most taxes per person in 2019. but in terms of the resources received these regions were ranked eighth, ninth and tenth overall. The communities that benefited the most were Cantabria, La Rioja, Extremadura, Aragón, Castile-León, Asturias and Galicia. These figures…