


The health model – the theme of the third debate marking the IEB’s twentieth anniversary

The future of healthcare is a key issue today. The pandemic has put the entire system under enormous pressure, but it also allows us to draw conclusions about the response of our healthcare model. A few weeks ago the Ministry of Health presented a draft bill that aims to define the direction of the health system in Spain. To analyse the key elements of this highly sensitive issue, the IEB is organlzing a debate on the subject as part of the cycle to mark its twentieth anniversary.

The debate will be held at 12 noon on 1 December, and can be followed live on the La Vanguardia website. The session is entitled “Public health, private health, or a hybrid model?” and the following experts will share their opinions and analysis: Josep M. Campistol, Director (CEO) Hospital Clínic de Barcelona; Roser Fernández, General Director of the Catalan Union of Hospitals; Anna García Altés, Head of Catalonia’s Heath System Observatory and Agency of Health Quality and Evaluation; Ivan Planas, Deputy Director of the Catalan Health Service/Department of Health; and Lluís Viguera Espejo, First Vice President of the ACES (Catalan Association of Health Entities) and General Director of the Germanes Sanitaris de Sant Josep in Girona.

The conference will be coordinated by Judit Vall, professor of Economics at the University of Barcelona (UB) and IEB researcher, who will also present an introduction.

This event is part of the cycle organized to mark the IEB’s twentieth anniversary. Two debates have already been held in this cycle: the first on the expansion of Barcelona Airport, and the second on regional financing and taxation.