


del Rio, Pablo

Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Investigador Asociado (IEB)

Científico Titular (IPP-CSIC)

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Publicaciones más relevantes:

Resources, capabilities and competences for eco-innovation


Del Río, P.; Carrillo-Hermosilla, J.; Totti, K.; Bleda, M. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 22(2), 274-292, 2016.

What drives eco-innovators? A critical review of the empirical literature based on econometric methods


Del Río, P.; Peñasco, C.; Romero-Jordán, D. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2158–2170, 2016.

Benefits and costs of renewable electricity in Europe


Ortega, M.; Del Río, P. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 61, 372-383, 2016.

An analysis of the welfare and distributive implications of factors influencing household electricity consumption


Romero-Jordán, D.; Del Río, P.; Peñasco, C. Energy Policy, 88, 361-370, 2016.

The Economics and Policy of solar PV generation


Mir-Artigues, P.; Del Río, P. Springer International. Nueva York. 2016.

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