Consumers and producers, markets and networks, agents and system components, are all elements facing major changes from the massive introduction of smart technologies that have been taking place over the last decade. The Symposium will try to shed light on the role play by the digitalization in nowadays and future energy sector, its implications and challenges from a new energy policy approach. Within this context, authors are invited to submit empirical papers emphasizing on the energy policy implications regarding the economics of oil, gas or electricity sector.
Instituciones organizadoras
Opening Ceremony
Albert Cirera Hernàndez
Vice-Rector of University of Barcelona
Martí Parellada Sabata
FIEB President and FUNSEAM Board of Trustees Member
María Teresa Costa-Campi
University of Barcelona and IEB-Chair of Energy Sustainability
I. Smart Technologies Transforming the Energy Market
Chair: Néstor Duch (Joint Research Centre)
Patrícia Pereira da Silva (University of Coimbra)
“Assessment of regulatory and market factors on the investment level of smart grids”
Maria L. Loureiro (University of Santiago de Compostela)
“Comparing sentiment analysis results about climate change between Twitter conversations and stated preference surveys”
Sarah Darby (University of Oxford)
“Demand response and smart technology in theory and practice: the significance of system actors and customer experiences”
II. Flexibility from Demand Side
Chair: Monica Giulietti (Loughborough University)
Joan Batalla-Bejerano (University of Barcelona & FUNSEAM)
“Smart meters and consumer behavior: insights from empirical literature”
Anette Boom (Copenhagen Business School)
“Real-time pricing in power markets: Who gains?”
Sandra Kretschmer (Friedrich Alexander Universität)
“Diffusion of green innovations: Evidence from a field study on domestic energy storage”
III. Analyzing Energy Policies
Chair: Andreas Löschel (University of Münster)
Daniel Daví-Arderius (University of Barcelona)
“Analyzing electricity flows and congestions: looking at locational patterns”
Axel Gautier (University of Liege)
“Photovoltaic power installation in Wallonia: Estimating the rebound effect”
António C. Marques (University of Beira Interior)
“Daily interactions in electricity supply, demand, emissions, and diversification in France, revealing the crucial role of DSM policies”
Rocio Román-Collado (University of Seville)
“A tool proposal to detect operating anomalies in the Spanish wholesale electricity market”
Closing Session
Juan Rosellón (CIDE & DIW Berlin)
“A simple regulatory incentive mechanism for the electricity industry”
Registration and Payment
You can make a bank transfer to:
IBAN ES58 2100 5731 7402 0023 6875
The proof of bank transfer must be sent by email to:
The registration fee covers documentation, coffee breaks and working lunch.
Members of business community: The registration fee is 200,00 €
Members of academic / non-profit institutions
-Early registration (before January 18): 100 €
-Late registration (before January 31): 200 €
PhD students: fee waivers are available upon request (PLEASE, TAKE NOTE THAT YOU SHOULD SEND US BY EMAIL THE ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE)
Topics of interest
Demand Side Management
Smart Grids
Energy Efficiency
RES Integration
Energy Infrastructure
Market Designs
Policy and Regulation
Distribute Generation
Shale Gas
Deadline for submission of papers: October 15th, 2018
Deadline for acceptance of papers: November 1st, 2018
Registration of presenters: November 1st to November 30th, 2018
Scientific Committee
Maria Teresa Costa
(University of Barcelona)
Elisa Trujillo-Baute
(University of Barcelona)
José Garcia Quevedo
(University of Barcelona)
Joan Batalla
(University of Barcelona & Funseam)
Andreas Löschel
(University of Münster)
Monica Giullietti
(Loughborough University)
Valentina Bosetti
(Bocconi University)
Mike Waterson
(Warwick University)
Joan Ramón Borrell
(University of Barcelona)
Pere Mir
(University of Lleida)
Pablo del Rio
Andres Picazo
(University of Valencia)
Organizing Committee
Maria Teresa Costa
(University of Barcelona)
Elisa Trujillo-Baute
(University of Barcelona)
Joan Batalla
(University of Barcelona & Funseam)
Elisenda Jové
(University of Barcelona)
The full paper must be submitted by email ( in PDF format, indicating in the subject the specific sector (oil, gas or electricity) of the paper. Attendance is free for presenters and it will include accommodation, coffee breaks and lunch. There is a registration fee for non-presenters.