

Acto: Workshop

VI Workshop on Economics of Education: Competences’ Acquisition, Skills & the Labour Market

Keynote speaker: Guido Schwerdt (University of Konstanz, Germany)

Keynote speaker: Rolf Van der Velden (Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market - Maastricht University)

Inicio: septiembre 09, 2015 Final: septiembre 10, 2015

Room A - Faculty of Economics and Business. University of Barcelona. Av. Diagonal, 696. Barcelona


Competences’ acquisition is the most relevant output in the educational production function. Likewise, the formation of human capital is essential to increase productivity, generate higher monetary returns in the labour market and foster economic growth. However, human capital does not depend exclusively on the formal education aimed at young people but also on lifelong learning. The Workshop focuses on the determinants of skills and competences’ acquisition as well as on the effects that those have in the labour market. We give special attention to research using PIAAC data. However, papers using other type of data or focused on the evaluation of educational policy are also welcome.

Original research papers that cast some light on these issues, especially those from an economic perspective, will be brought together at the Workshop. Although the focus is set on empirical papers, theoretical studies are also welcome. The accepted papers (10) will be presented in plenary sessions that will complement the two keynote speakers’ presentations.

Instituciones organizadoras

Institu d'Economia de Barcelona logotipo Universitat de Barcelona logotipo


Keynote Speakers

Guido Schwerdt (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Rolf Van der Velden (Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market - Maastricht University)
More information

The presentations are scheduled as follows,

20 minutes at most for the presenter,

5 minutes at most for the discussant and

10 minutes for general discussion.

Scientific Committee

Guido Schwerdt (University of Konstanz)

Rolf Van der Velden (Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market – Maastricht University)

Jorge Calero (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)

J.Oriol Escardíbul (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)

Toni Mora (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya & IEB)

Martí Parellada (Universitat de Barcelona & Director of the IEB)

Raúl Ramos (AQR-IREA, Universitat de Barcelona)

Josep Lluís Raymond (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & IEB)

Topics of interest


Competences’ acquisition

Skills formation

Funding of Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning policy evaluation


Educational inequalities


Educational production function



Deadline for submission of papers: June 14, 2015

Deadline for acceptance of papers: June 29, 2015

Early Registration: June 1 to July 31, 2015

Late registration: August 1 to September 6, 2015


Participants whose papers have been accepted are exempt from this payment. Free accommodation will also be provided for them. Papers should be sent to Only papers presented in PDF format will be considered and no longer than 30 pages.


The registration fee covers documentation, coffee breaks, working lunches and the dinner of September 9th. Early registration is 220€; late registration 300€; Co-authors: 160€; PhD students: 90€.