

Event: Symposium

International Academic Symposium “Energy Markets and Sustainability”

Direction: Maria Teresa Costa Campi (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Coordination: Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Warwick and Chair of Energy Sustainability)

Date: February 03, 2015

Auditori - Parc Científic de Barcelona. C/Baldiri i Reixac, 4-8. Barcelona


The Symposium on Energy Markets and Sustainability will bring together high ranking researchers in the field of energy economics. The meeting will examine various questions related to the energy markets (gas and electricity markets, adjustment markets, and markets design), the infrastructure (auction designs for smart grids, electricity transmission networks, and gas interconnection), and the policies for sustainability (renewables promotion, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy efficiency).

The meeting, to be held in Barcelona on 03 February 2015, forms part of the activities organised by the UB-IEB Chair in Energy Sustainability, sponsored by the Foundation for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (FUNSEAM). The group hopes that the symposium will help disseminate the work of leading researchers in the field of energy economics, with a particular emphasis on markets and sustainability.

Organising Institutions

Institu d'Economia de Barcelona logotipo Universitat de Barcelona logotipo
More information
Opening Ceremony


Dídac Ramírez (Rector of the Universitat de Barcelona)

María Teresa Costa Campi (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB, Chair of Energy Sustainability)

Plenary Session


David Newbery (Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge University)

“Security of Supply and Capacity Auctions”

Energy Markets



Chair-Discussant: Ronald Huisman (Erasmus University of Rotterdam)


Machiel Mulder (Authority for Consumers and Markets and University of Groningen)

“Market Fundamentals, Competition and Natural Gas Prices”

Veronika Grimm (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)

“Transmission and Generation Investment in Electricity Markets: The Impact of Zonal Pricing and Network Fee Regimes”

Joan Batalla (Chair of Energy Sustainability and Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

“Spanish Balancing Markets: An Economic Evaluation of Real-Time Energy Deviations”




Chair-Discussant: Alessandro Costa (World Energy Council (WEC), Member of the Studies Committee)


Franziska Holz (DIW Berlin)

“Supply Security in Natural Gas Networks: The European Situation”

Thomas Greve (University of Cambridge)

“Network Procurement Auctions”

Juan Rosellón (CIDE and DIW Berlin)

“An Optimal Welfare Analysis of Electricity-Transmission Regulatory Regimes”

Policies for Sustainability



Chair-Discussant: Paulina Beato (Economic Adviser)


Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Warwick and Chair of Energy Sustainability)

“Retail Price Effects of Feed-in Tariff Regulation”

Valeria di Cosmo (Economic and Social Research Institute and Trinity College Dublin)

“Electricity Prices and Gas Market: Which Policy for Italy?”

Patricia Pereira da Silva (University of Coimbra and INESC-Coimbra)

“Drivers and Challenges in Policies for Sustainability”

Closing Ceremony


María Teresa Costa Campi (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB, Chair of Energy Sustainability)


Due to the limited capacity of the room, applications arriving first will be given priority.

The registration fee covers documentation, coffee breaks and working lunch.

Members of business community: The registration fee is 200,00 €

Members of academic / non-profit institutions:

Early registration (October 8, 2014 to January 19, 2015): 100 €

Late registration (January 20 to 30, 2015): 200 €

PhD students: fee waivers are available upon request (PLEASE, TAKE NOTE THAT YOU SHOULD SEND US BY EMAIL THE ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE).