

Event: Summer School

III Summer School in Public Economics: Economics of Education & Fiscal Federalism

Starts: June 28, 2010 Ends: July 09, 2010

SALA DE RECEPCIONS (RECEPTIONS ROOM), Faculty of Economics and Business University of Barcelona, Carrer Tinent Coronel Valenzuela, 1-11 BARCELONA (SPAIN)


The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) is pleased to announce its III Summer School in Public Economics, which will consist of two courses: one on ‘Economics of Education’ and the other on ‘Fiscal Federalism’. The objective of each course is twofold: to offer an intensive training program for PhD students in Public Economics, and to provide young scholars with the opportunity to discuss their own ongoing research with leading researchers in the field in a relaxed and open atmosphere. Students will have the opportunity to present their research work at sessions attended both by the invited lecturers and by IEB researchers.


Hessel Oosterbeek (University of Amsterdam)

Richard E. Romano (University of Florida)

Steven G. Craig (University of Houston)

William Hoyt (University of Kentucky)


The courses will be held during the mornings. The courses (and tentative topics) are:


Economics of Education (Hessel Oosterbeek & Richard E. Romano)
  • School competition
  • Vouchers & ability tracking
  • Peer effects & the role of class size
  • Political economy of education finance
  • Private and social returns to education


Fiscal Federalism (Steven G. Craig & William Hoyt)
  • Expenditure assignement & optimal jurisdictions
  • Fiscal competition: horizontal & vertical
  • Intergovernmental grants & tax sharing
  • Redistribution & race-to-the-bottom
  • Competition with heterogeneous agents & sorting



Workshop sessions will take place in the afternoon, including students’ presentations.



PhD students and young researchers who finished their dissertation in the last 3 years.



Participants who present papers may apply for a scholarship that covers the course fee and the accommodation.

Application procedure

Send your CV and a one-page description of the topic of your PhD dissertation to ieb.summer@ub.edu. If you intend to present a paper, please attach an extended abstract (or preferably the entire paper). Only PDF files will be considered. A letter of support from your PhD supervisor must be sent by post to the address below). Application for one course does not entail application for the other; if you are interested in taking both courses, two independent applications should be submitted.

Scientific Committee

Jorge Calero (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Matz Dahlberg (Uppsala University, IFAU & IEB)

Elena del Rey (University of Girona)

Alejandro Esteller-Moré (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Toni Mora (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya & IEB)

Maria Racionero (Australian National University)

Albert Solé-Ollé (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Pilar Sorribas-Navarro (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Organizing Committee

Elena del Rey (University of Girona)

Toni Mora (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya & IEB)

Marta Curto-Grau (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Albert Solé-Ollé (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Pilar Sorribas-Navarro (University of Barcelona & IEB)


Deadline for application: March 29, 2010

Deadline for acceptance of application: April 16, 2010

Deadline for non presenters registration: To be announced