

Universitat de Barcelona logotipo

SEMINAR: Camille Hémet (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne & Paris School of Economics)

May 28, 2024 – 14.30h – Room 1038


The IEB (Barcelona Institute of Economics) and the Department of Economics in the School of Economics at the University of Barcelona encourages expressions of interest from economics postdoctoral researchers that are willing to apply to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme and consider choosing the University of Barcelona as the host institution.   The Barcelona…

El catedràtic Alejandro Esteller-Moré, nou editor executiu de la revista Hacienda Pública Española

El catedràtic Alejandro Esteller-Moré, investigador de l’Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB), ha estat nomenat coeditor executiu de la revista Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics per al període 2024-2026. Aquesta nova responsabilitat l’exercirà junt amb Diego Martínez López, catedràtic de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Hacienda Pública Española / Review of…

L’IEB impulsa l’Observatori de Federalisme Fiscal

Una de les grans línies de recerca de l’Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB) des de la seva fundació ha estat el federalisme fiscal. Històricament, ha destacat per integrar un grup d’investigadors que han estat un referent, tant a Espanya com a escala internacional, en l’estudi i la recerca de les finances dels sistemes de govern…

2024/04: Discovering tax decentralization: Does it impact marginal willingness to pay taxes?

Decentralized fiscal decision-making should serve to enhance welfare by promoting allocative efficiency gains and fostering greater political accountability. Within such an institutional framework, individuals are assumed to be willing to pay, at least, no less taxes than those they pay in a centralized system. We test this hypothesis by means of a survey experiment, leveraging the process of decentralization that has unfolded in Spain over the last 25 years. Our results suggest that individuals have very limited awareness of the tier of government to which they pay their taxes, frequently assuming the system to be centralized. This holds true even in regions where tax decentralization is maximum, as is the case of Spain’s foral communities. On ‘discovering decentralization’ (i.e., being informed that a tax is more decentralized than initially perceived), an individual’s marginal willingness to pay taxes undergoes only a minimal change, with the exception of that of personal income tax. These findings raise questions about the purported benefits of tax decentralization.

2024/03: Muddying the waters: How grade distributions change when university exams go online

We analyse how grade distributions change when higher education evaluations transition online and disentangle the mechanisms that help to explain the change observed in students’ results. We leverage administrative panel data, survey data and data on course plans from a large undergraduate degree at the University of Barcelona. We show that grade averages increase and their dispersion reduce. Changes are driven by students from the lower end of the performance distribution and by a reduction in the occurrence of fail grades; however, we do not find evidence for artificial `grade adjusting’ to explain the phenomenon. We are also able to dismiss shifts in the composition of test takers, improvements in teaching quality or in learning experiences and increases in student engagement. While changes in the assessment formats employed do not appear to mediate the causal relationship between online evaluation and higher grades, we identify more dispersed evaluation opportunities and increased cheating as explanatory factors.