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The IEB (Barcelona Institute of Economics) and the Department of Economics in the School of Economics at the University of Barcelona encourages expressions of interest from economics postdoctoral researchers that are willing to apply to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme and consider choosing the University of Barcelona as the host institution.   The Barcelona…

El catedràtic Alejandro Esteller-Moré, nou editor executiu de la revista Hacienda Pública Española

El catedràtic Alejandro Esteller-Moré, investigador de l’Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB), ha estat nomenat coeditor executiu de la revista Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics per al període 2024-2026. Aquesta nova responsabilitat l’exercirà junt amb Diego Martínez López, catedràtic de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Hacienda Pública Española / Review of…

L’IEB impulsa l’Observatori de Federalisme Fiscal

Una de les grans línies de recerca de l’Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB) des de la seva fundació ha estat el federalisme fiscal. Històricament, ha destacat per integrar un grup d’investigadors que han estat un referent, tant a Espanya com a escala internacional, en l’estudi i la recerca de les finances dels sistemes de govern…

The IEB holds its Fiscal Forum 3.1., placing the emphasis on competitiveness

The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) recently held its Fiscal Forum 3.1. attended by a large group of prominent experts from academia, government institutions and private companies, including Ruud De Mooij, Deputy Director of Fiscal Affairs at the International Monetary Fund. De Mooij gave a lecture titled Firm Competitiveness and Taxation in which he addressed…

The IEB presents IEB Report 4/2023 on education policy and equality of opportunity

The Barcelona Economics Institute (IEB) has just published IEB Report 4/2023, coordinated by University of Barcelona (UB) professor Andreu Arenas. The issue looks at effective policies for quality and equality of opportunity in education. The presentation took place at an event featuring several speakers, including, in addition to Professor Arenas, Mr. Antón Costas, president of…

Call for Application – PhD SCHOLARSHIPS –ECONOMICS 2024

We offer three PhD Scholarships for 3 years (with possible extension for one more year), starting during the 2024-2025 academic year. We are looking for students who aim at enrolling on the PhD program in Economics (University of Barcelona). The candidates must have a Master in Economics completed by summer 2024 and apply to the…