Los investigadores del Instituto de Economía de Barcelona han publicado 42 artículos en revistas JCR (Journal Citation Reports) durante 2011, el doble que en 2009. Además, se han publicado 19 Working Papers, más del doble que en 2009. Así, en dos años, el IEB ha duplicado la cifra de publicaciones y, en cambio, sólo ha incrementado la cifra de investigadores en un 34%.
Entre las revistas JCR donde los investigadores del IEB han publicado sus artículos durante 2011, cabe destacar Journal of Public Economics; Public Choice; Journal of Urban Economics; Regional Science and Urban Economics; Applied Economics; National Tax Journal; Journal of Public Economics Papers in Regional Science; International Journal of Technology Management; Transportation, etc.
Entre los últimos artículos publicados, cabe destacar:
• Esteller, A.; Galmarini, U.; Rizzo, L.“Vertical tax competition and consumption externalities in a federation with lobbying” Journal of Public Economics, 2011
• Jofre-Monseny, J. “Is agglomeration taxable?”Journal of Economic Geography, 2011
• Jofre-Monseny, J.; Solé-Ollé, A. “Which communities should be afraid of mobility? The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of employment location to local taxes”Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42, 257-268, 2011
• Naghavi, A.; Mantovani, A.“Parallel imports and innovation in an emerging economy: the case of Indian pharmaceuticals”Health Economics, 2011
• Arauzo, J.M.; Manjón, M.“Locations and relocations: determinants, modelling, and interrelations”Annals of Regional Science, 47 (1), 131-146, 2011
• García-López, M.A.; Muñiz, I.“Urban spatial structure, agglomeration economies and economic growth in Barcelona: An intra-metropolitan perspective”Papers in Regional Science, 2011
• Solé-Ollé, A“Inter-regional redistribution through infrastructure investment: tactical or programmatic?” Public Choice, 2011
• Mora, T.; Oreopoulos, P.“Peer effects and high school aspirations: evidence from a sample of close and not-so-close friends”Economics of Education Review, 30(4), 575-581, 2011