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  • IEB Report 2/2024: Competitividad de la economía y sistema fiscal

    Competitividad de la economía y sistema fiscal

    En un mundo globalizado, la competitividad empresarial resulta especialmente relevante y, en ella, los impuestos pueden jugar un papel importante. ¿Cuándo se puede considerar un sistema fiscal competitivo? Una respuesta fácil e inmediata guarda relación con el nivel impositivo. Así, una presión fiscal baja, en comparación con la de otros...

    2024/05: The taxing challenges of the state: Unveiling the role of fiscal & administrative capacity in development

    Esteban Muñoz-Sobrado®, Amedeo Piolatto®, Antoine Zerbini®, Federica Braccioli®

    During the past two decades, several factors have challenged the stability of na-tional states, adding tensions to the connection between the state and the individual. This paper reviews the literature on state capacity. First, it introduces the origin of the literature and presents the well-established positive correlation between state ca-pacity...

    2024/04: Discovering tax decentralization: Does it impact marginal willingness to pay taxes?

    José Mª Durán-Cabré, Alejandro Esteller-Moré, Luca Salvadori

    Decentralized fiscal decision-making should serve to enhance welfare by promoting allocative efficiency gains and fostering greater political accountability. Within such an institutional framework, individuals are assumed to be willing to pay, at least, no less taxes than those they pay in a centralized system. We test this hypothesis by means...

    2024/02: Can teachers influence student perceptions and preferences? Experimental evidence from a taxation course

    José Mª Durán-Cabré, Alejandro Esteller-Moré, Daniel Montolio, Javier Vázquez-Grenno

    We explore the impact of university teacher-student interactions on student perceptions of, and preferences with regard to, taxation. Grounded in an experimental framework in which tax practitioners (who are usually hired as adjunct university lecturers) delivered an introductory lecture on an undergraduate tax course, we find that the lectures can...

    IEB Report 2/2023: Movilidad e impuestos

    Movilidad e impuestos

    La movilidad, esto es, la capacidad de las bases de cambiar la localización a efectos fiscales (Slemrod, 2010), es un reto para los sistemas fiscales actuales. Tiene que ver tanto con la movilidad artificial o real de (los beneficios de) las empresas, en parte facilitada por la digitalización, como con...

    2023/08: Has Covid vaccination success increased the marginal willingness to pay taxes?

    José María Durán-Cabré, Alejandro Esteller-Moré, Leonzio Rizzo, Riccardo Secomandi

    The Covid-19 vaccination campaign can be regarded as a public-sector success story. Given the shock caused by the pandemic, the visible and successful response of the public authorities regarding vaccination might have elicited an increase in the public’s trust. We test whether the vaccination process has increased the marginal willingness...