

Acto: Workshop

VIII Workshop on Economics of Education

Inicio: septiembre 07, 2017 Final: septiembre 08, 2017

Sala de Recepcions - Facultat d'Economia i Empresa. John M. Keynes, 1-11 08034. Barcelona


The intended aim of this workshop is double: on the one hand, to establish and share the theoretical and methodological knowledge frontier of economics of education. On the other hand, to have access to a diversity of applied studies in which different methodologies are used. Both macro and micro-economic topics are of interest. The Workshop especially welcomes research that applies advanced econometric techniques. Although the Workshop focuses on empirical papers, theoretical studies are also welcome. The accepted papers (10) will be presented in plenary sessions that will complement the two keynote speakers’ presentations.

Instituciones organizadoras

Institu d'Economia de Barcelona logotipo Universitat de Barcelona logotipo

Keynote Speakers

Sandra McNally (University of Surrey, CEP, CVER, LSE)
Torberg Falch (Norwegian University of Science & Technology)
More information
Topics of interest

Policy Evaluation

Education inequalities
Benefits of Education
Competence acquisition
Lifelong learning
Skills formation
School Autonomy
Teacher’s quality
Scholarships & Loans
University Financing
University Access


Deadline for submission of papers: June 12, 2017
Deadline for acceptance of papers: June 29, 2017
Early registration: June 1 to July 27, 2017
Late registration: July 28 to September 6, 2017

Submission and registration

The registration fee covers documentation, coffee breaks, working lunches and the dinner of September 5th. Participants whose papers have been accepted are exempt from this payment. Free accommodation will also be provided for them. Papers should be sent to Only papers presented in PDF format will be considered and no longer than 30 pages. Further information on the workshop will soon be available at the workshop webpage, which can be accessed through the IEB website: Early registration is 200€; late registration 300€; Co-authors: 150€; PhD students: 100€.