

Acto: Workshop

V Workshop on Fiscal Federalism: The political economy of decentralization

Inicio: junio 13, 2013 Final: junio 14, 2013

Sala de Juntes & Room E - Faculty of Economics and Business. University of Barcelona. Av. Diagonal, 696. Barcelona


Decentralization of the delivery of public services has been an important part of public sector reform in many countries. The arguments typically used by governments, international agencies and donors have been mostly of economic and technical nature. The political economy approach can complement this diagnosis and advice work by predicting the effect of decentralization reforms in real political and institutional settings, highlighting the practical pitfalls of particular reform designs implemented, and helping understand the motives that drive politicians to transfer responsibilities and resources to lower levels of government.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together original research papers that cast some light on this topic. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome. A tentative list of topics of interest is given below, although papers dealing with any aspect of fiscal federalism, decentralization or the political economy of local governments are welcome.

Instituciones organizadoras

Institu d'Economia de Barcelona logotipo Universitat de Barcelona logotipo

Keynote Speakers

Frederico Finan (University of California - Berkeley)
Gerard Padró-i-Miquel (London School of Economics)
Eckhard Janeba (University of Mannheim)
More information
Scientific Committee

Frederico Finan (University of California – Berkeley)

Gerard Padró-i-Miquel (London School of Economics)

Eckhart Janeba (University of Mannheim)

Stephan Litschig (University Pompeu Fabra)

Alejandro Esteller-Moré (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Dirk Foremny (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Daniel Montolio (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Albert Solé-Ollé (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Amedeo Piolatto (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Pilar Sorribas-Navarro (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Organizing Committee

Albert Solé-Ollé (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Dirk Foremny (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Topics of interest

Evaluation of decentralization reforms

Political drivers of decentralization reforms

Accountability, local elections, & external audits

Corruption, clientelism, & capture in local government

Disparities in social capital & voter information

Decentralization and political parties

Lobbying in centralized vs. decentralized settings

Tax competition: mobility vs. ideology & political influence

Political economy of the allocation of transfers

Effects of transfers on local budgets and outcomes

Decentralized tax administration and tax compliance

Political economy of local fiscal adjustment


Deadline for submission of papers: April 14, 2013

Deadline for acceptance of papers: April 19, 2013

Registration: April 8 to June 7, 2013

Submission and registration

Manuscripts must be submitted by email ( in PDF format. Attendance is free for presenters and it will include accommodation, coffee breaks and lunches. There is a general registration fee for non-presenters, and reduced fee for co-authors and PhD students.