

Acto: Simposio

V International Academic Symposium: Challenges for the Energy Sector

Direction: Maria Teresa Costa Campi (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)

Coordination: Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Warwick & IEB Cátedra de sostenibilidad energética)

Fecha: febrero 07, 2017

Auditorio - Parc Científic de Barcelona. Baldiri i Reixac Street, 4-8 - Barcelona


The Energy Sector is currently facing major challenges due to the transition to a low carbon energy system and its implications in terms of security of supply and industrial competitiveness. The Symposium will try to shed light on the hesitation created in the sector about how to face these unprecedented challenges. Authors are invited to submit empirical papers with policy implications regarding the economics oil, gas or electricity sector.

Instituciones organizadoras


Luis Cabral
New York University
Tooraj Jamasb
Durham University
Opening Ceremony



Joan Elias 

Rector of the Universitat de Barcelona

Martí Parellada Sabata 

IEB Director and FUNSEAM Board of Trustees Member

María Teresa Costa-Campi 

Universitat de Barcelona and IEB-Chair of Energy Sustainability

Plenary Session



Tooraj Jamasb (Durham University Business School)

«Smart Electricity Distribution Networks and Business Models for Developing Countries«

I. Energy Technological Challenges

Chair: Andrés Picazo (University of Valencia)


Elena Verdolini (FEEM & CMCC) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«Rebound Effects in Europe«

António C. Marques (University of Beira Interior & NECE-UBI) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«Is Renewable Energy Penetration Preserving Fossil Fuel Dependency? An Empirical Assessment»

Olivier Massol (IFP Énergies Nouvelles & City University London) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«The Economics of CCS Adoption«

II. Energy Markets

Chair: Monica Giullietti (University of Loughborough)


Stephan Joseph (University of Barcelona) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«Policy Stringency Under the European Union Emission Trading System and its Impact on Technological Change in the Energy Sector»

Mirjam Ambrosius (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«Investment Incentives for Flexible Demand Options under Different Market Designs»

Julien Jacqmin (HEC Management School & University of Liège) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«The Prosumers and the Grid»

III. Energy and Environmental Policy

Chair: Paulina Beato (Economic Adviser)

Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Barcelona & CES & IEB) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«Analysing the Impact of Renewable Energy Regulation on Retail Electricity Prices»

Christoph Böhringer (University of Oldenburg) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«Cost-Effectiveness and Incidence of Renewable Energy Promotion in Germany»

María-Eugenia Sanin (Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne and Ecole Polytechnique) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«Incentive Policies for Small PV in France»

Rocio Román (University of Seville) (SEE VIDEO HERE)

«Influence of Productivity and Living Standard in Energy Consumption in Spain: LMDI Approach»

Closing Session


Luis Cabral (New York University)

«Recent Developments in Industrial Organization and their Application to the Energy Sector«

Closing Ceremony

María Teresa Costa Campi

Universitat de Barcelona & IEB, Chair of Energy Sustainability

Scientific Committee

Maria Teresa Costa (University of Barcelona)

Elisa Trujillo-Baute (Warwick University)

Monica Giullietti (Loughborough University)

Ronald Huisman (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Joan-Ramon Borrell (University of Barcelona)

Mike Waterson (Warwick University)

Paulina Beato (Economic Adviser)

José García-Quevedo (University of Barcelona)

Pere Mir (University of Lleida)

Pablo del Rio (CSIC)

Andrés Picazo (University of Valencia)

Organizing Committee

Maria Teresa Costa (University of Barcelona)

Elisa Trujillo-Baute (Warwick University)

Joan Batalla (Funseam)

Xavier Massa (University of Barcelona)


Deadline for submission of abstracts: June 19, 2016

Deadline for acceptance of abstracts: July 15, 2016

Deadline for paper submission of accepted abstracts: September 30, 2016

Deadline for acceptance of papers: October 20, 2016

Registration of presenters: October 15 to November 30, 2016

Registration and further information

Extended abstract must be 2 pages length including: overview, methods, results and conclusions. The extended abstract and the full paper must be submitted by email ( in PDF format, indicating in the subject the specific sector (oil, gas or electricity) of the paper.  Attendance is free for presenters and it will include accommodation, coffee breaks and lunch. There is a registration fee for non-presenters; further information on the symposium will be available at the event webpage at the IEB website:

Registration for non-presenters

Early Registration (Until January 15th 2017), 200€

Late Registration (From January 15th 2017), 300€

Co-authors Registration, 150€

PhD Registration, free