Instituciones organizadoras

Direction: Maria Teresa Costa Campi (University of Barcelona & IEB)
Coordination: Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Warwick and IEB-Chair of Energy Sustainability)
Fecha: febrero 02, 2016
Auditori - Parc Científic de Barcelona. Baldiri i Reixac Street, 4-8. Barcelona
Chair-Discussant: Pablo del Rio (IPP-CSIC)
Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Warwick and IEB-Chair of Energy Sustainability)
«CO2 Costs of Energy Losses»
Eugenia Sanin (Paris Tech)
«Does Environmental Regulation Create Merger Incentives?»
Karim Anaya (Cambridge University)
«Going Smarter: The Case of Distribution Generation»
Due to the limited capacity of the room, applications arriving first will be given priority.
The registration fee covers documentation, coffee breaks and working lunch.
Members of business community: The registration fee is 200,00 €
Members of academic / non-profit institutions
-Early registration (before January 18): 100 €
-Late registration (before January 31): 200 €
PhD students: fee waivers are available upon request (PLEASE, TAKE NOTE THAT YOU SHOULD SEND US BY EMAIL THE ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE)