

Acto: Workshop

III Workshop en Federalismo Fiscal: Financiación del gobierno subcentral

Ponentes: : Robert P. Inman (University of Pennsylvania), Dennis Epple (Carnegie Mellon University), Kai A Konrad (WZB Berlin)

Fecha: junio 18, 2009

Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona. c/Tinent Coronel Valenzuela, 1-11 - Barcelona


Decentralization of public expenditure responsibilities has spread in recent years in both developed and developing countries. However, only a part of these expenditures is funded by sub-central taxes and debt; the rest is funded by grants. Fiscal autonomy is further reduced by the fact that only a part of these taxes are under effective sub-central control; a high percentage of grants are earmarked, and debt autonomy is usually limited. Improving equity in the access to public services, avoiding tax competition and other inefficiencies, saving on administration costs, and ensuring financial sustainability, are arguments often put forward to justify the centralization of revenue decisions. Lack of revenue autonomy, however, is also said to negatively affect sub-central governance, public service efficiency and even the long-term fiscal stance.


The aim of this workshop is to bring together original research papers that cast some light on these issues. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.


The III Workshop on Fiscal Federalism will take place in the rooms “SALA DE RECEPCIONS” and “SALA SARDÀ” of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona (c/Tinent Coronel Valenzuela, 1-11 – Barcelona).

Comité Científico

Robert P. Inman

Dennis Epple

Kai A. Konrad

Albert Solé-Ollé

Núria Bosch-Roca

Santiago Lago-Peñas

Pilar Sorribas-Navarro

Alejandro Esteller-Moré

Temas de Interés

Impuestos y movilidad de hogares y empresas
Competencia fiscal: perjudicial o beneficiosa?
Imposición subcentral de la actividad económica: impuestos corporativos, impuestos minoristas, IVA
Impuestos locales: impuestos a la propiedad, impuestos a la tierra, tasas
Administración tributaria descentralizada
Economía política de las decisiones fiscales subcentrales
Efectos de las subvenciones en el gasto local y los impuestos
Subvenciones de compensación: equidad vs. incentivos fiscales
Impuestos versus subvenciones: efectos sobre la responsabilidad, la eficiencia, la equidad y la postura fiscal a largo plazo
Economía política de asignación de subvención
Deuda Sub-central y rescates
Economía política de la descentralización de los ingresos


Deadline for submission of papers:

April 3, 2009


Deadline for acceptance of papers:

April 17, 2009



April 6 to June 1, 2009Registration and further information


The registration fee of 400 euro covers, documentation, coffee breaks and working lunches. Participants who present papers are exempt from this payment. Free accommodation will also be provided for them, and their travel expenses may be covered, totally or partially, subject to budget restrictions. Papers should be sent Only papers presented in PDF format will be considered. Further information on the workshop will soon be available at the workshop webpage, which can be accessed through the IEB website:


Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB)



Facultat d´Economia i Empresa

c/ Tinent Coronel Valenzuela, 1-11

08034 Barcelona (Spain)


Phone: + 34 93 403 46 46

Fax: + 34 93 403 98 32
