The Institute of Economics of Barcelona (IEB-UB), in collaboration with the Naturgy Foundation, organized in Madrid the debate ‘The challenge of energy poverty: causes and proposals’ in which Spanish and international experts analyzed energy poverty in Spain and from a global perspective. During the seminar, the main measures to deal with a situation that affects 13 million people in our country were presented.
The inaugural session was in charge of the Secretary of State for Energy of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, José Domínguez Abascal; the professor of Economics at the University of Barcelona and the Chair of Energy Sustainability (IEB-UB), María Teresa Costa; and the general director of the Naturgy Foundation, Martí Solà.
Eero Ailio, Councilor for Energy Transition and Local Governance of the European Commission, led the closing ceremony.
Among the speakers, were present Brenda Boardman, professor at the University of Oxford; Ute Dubois, of the ISG International Business School of Paris; Saska Petrova, from the University of Manchester; Efraim Centeno, director of the Chair of Energy and Poverty of the Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid; Margarita de Luxán García de Diego, professor emeritus of the Polytechnic University of Madrid; Paloma Taltavull, from the University of Alicante; and Elisa Trujillo Baute, professor of the UB and researcher of the Chair of Energy Sustainability of the IEB-UB.