
2025/01: The electoral effects of banning cars from the streets: Evidence fro...
This paper explores the electoral effects of Barcelona's Superblocks pedestrianization policy, a green initiative designed...

Info IEB. Do More Tourists Promote Local Employment? A Deep Dive into the Imp...
The tourism industry is frequently hailed as a catalyst for economic growth and job creation....

2024/17: The value of public health
We estimate the value of a public health system exploiting a conjoint experiment in nationally...

Comprendiendo la pobreza energética: Un análisis de la persistencia
La pobreza energética es aquella situación en la que un hogar no puede acceder a...

IEB Report 3/2024: Policies to Tackle Gender Inequalities in the Labour Market
The labor market participation of women has been converging to that of men across many...

2024/16: Social pensions and intimate partner violence against older women
The prevalence and determinants of intimate partner violence (IPV) among older women are understudied. This...