In recent decades the contribution made by higher education institutions to regional development has attracted increasing attention. Considering the university as an economic agent with its own budget and expenditure, then the activities it engages in, as well as those of the groups from which it is comprised (students, professors and staff), will have an impact that is transmitted to the rest of the economy through its inter-sectoral relations. On this premise, the multiplier effects within the economy are analyzed, specifically at the level of income and employment. This study analyses the economic impact of the Spanish public university system, it examines the stability of the impact and seeks to account for the changes that occurred between 1998 and 2004. The method adopted is based on the use of input-output tables. The Gross Added Value (GAV) and employment generated by the Spanish public university system as shares of Spain’s total GAV and employment presented an average annual growth rate of 4.7% and 3.8% respectively.