The world needs to accelerate the pace of the ecological transition, and this depends to a large extent on a strong increase in green investment, both public and private. Achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement will require the mobilization of a large number of resources over the coming decades. These resources will be allocated to the development and implementation of suitable initiatives, new disruptive technologies, large-scale green infrastructures and novel methods of production and resources management. To achieve this critical transformation, it is essential to establish an efficient framework to channel financial support from private and public sources indistinctively. Keeping the spirit of previous years, the Symposium will offer a platform for debate and discussion of the opportunities and challenges for the achievement of a green and sustainable economy, characterized by its inclusiveness and resilience. Authors are invited to submit empirical papers emphasizing on the energy policy implications applied to oil, gas, or electricity sector.
Registration and payment
You can make a bank transfer to:
IBAN ES58 2100 5731 7402 0023 6875
The proof of bank transfer must be sent by email to:
The registration fee covers documentation, coffee breaks and working lunch.
Members of business community: The registration fee is 200,00 €
Members of academic / non-profit institutions:
-Early registration (before January 18): 100 €
-Late registration (before January 31): 200 €
PhD students: fee waivers are available upon request (PLEASE, TAKE NOTE THAT YOU SHOULD SEND US BY EMAIL THE ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE)
Opening ceremony
Joan Guàrdia Olmos, Rector of Universitat de Barcelona
Martí Parellada Sabata, FIEB President and FUNSEAM Board of Trustees Member
María Teresa Costa-Campi, Chair of Energy Sustainability and Universitat de Barcelona
José García-Quevedo, Head of Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitat de Barcelona
“Successes in the renewable expansion: learning from Spain and Chile”, Mar Reguant (Northwestern University)
Chair: Soledad Núñez (Banco de España)
“Why do firms issue green bonds?”, Julien Xavier Daubanes (University of Geneva)
“Dynamic (Mis)allocation of investments in solar energy”, Nicolas Hatem (Paris School of Economics)
“Green innovation and energy efficiency: Moderating effect of institutional quality based on the threshold model”, Rocío Román Collado (University of Sevilla)
“Quantifying the value of reduced investment risk under different green energy support policies”, Cristina Pizarro (University of the Basque Country)
Chair: Andreas Löschel (Ruhr-University Bochum)
“Making jobs out of the energy transition: evidence from the French energy efficiency obligations programme”, François Cohen (Chair of Energy Sustainability and Universitat de Barcelona)
“Directed technological change and general purpose technologies: can AI accelerate clean energy innovation?”, Pia Andres (London School of Economics and Political Science)
“Who’s fit for the low-carbon transition? Emerging skills and wage gaps in job ad data”, Aurélien Saussay (London School of Economics and Political Science)
“Bringing breakthrough technologies to market: evidence from renewable energy feed-in-tariffs”, Sugandha Srivastav (University of Oxford)
Chair: Ester Martínez Ros (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
“Estimating the impact of grid limitations on electricity demand reduction and renewable targets in Spain”, Daniel Davi-Arderius (Chair of Energy Sustainability)
“Regional environmental and energy policies: are they effective for the sustainable transition of listed companies?”, Maria Gaia Soana (University of Parma)
“The effects of carbon taxation on electricity price dynamics: empirical evidence from the Australian Market”, Nicola Comincioli (University of Brescia)
“Leakages from fuel taxation: evidence from a natural experiment”, Jordi Josep Teixidó (Universitat de Barcelona)
“Correcting car externalities: A tale of five cities”, Juan Pablo Montero (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Deadline for submission of papers: October 14th, 2022
Deadline for acceptance of papers: November 4th, 2022
Registration of presenters: November 4th to November 18th, 2022
Topics of interest
Climate change
Insurance and climate risks
Clean and circular economy
Sustainable finance
Finance and climate risks
Energy efficiency
Public & private funding
Regulation of green assets
Green jobs
Energy & environment
Green taxonomy
Clean industrial modernization
Energy & climate models
Green innovation
Renewable and low carbon technologies policy
Scientific Committee
Maria Teresa Costa-Campi (University of Barcelona & IEB)
Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Lleida & IEB)
José Garcia-Quevedo (University of Barcelona & IEB)
Francois Cohen (University of Barcelona & IEB)
Joan Batalla (Funseam & IEB)
Ralph de Haas (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
Andreas Löschel (Ruhr University Bochum & IEB)
Mike Waterson (Warwick University)
Juan Rosellón (CIDE, DIW Berlin & IEB)
Monica Giullietti (Loughborough University)
Pablo del Río (CSIC & IEB)
Tooraj Jamasb (Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure)
Organizing Committee
Maria Teresa Costa-Campi (University of Barcelona & IEB)
Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Lleida & IEB)
Elisenda Jové-Llopis (University of Barcelona & IEB)
Daniel Daví-Arderius (IEB)
Joan Batalla (Funseam & IEB)
José Garcia-Quevedo (University of Barcelona & IEB)
Francois Cohen (University of Barcelona & IEB)
Jordi Planelles Cortes (University of Barcelona & IEB)