

Event: Symposium

VIII International Academic Symposium: Energy Efficiency Economics and Policy

Direction: Maria Teresa Costa Campi (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Coordination: Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Barcelona & IEB)

Date: February 04, 2020


Climate change is, without doubt, one of the main threats faced by present and future generations when trying to achieve sustainable development because of its negative effects on the economy, health and social welfare. The new social model required needs to compel both emissions reduction and sustainable economic growth. Within this context, energy efficiency can be seen as one of the main tools for reaching this target. The Symposium will try to shed light on economics underlying consumers decision making in energy efficiency and the evaluation of policies involving energy efficiency elements, its implications and challenges for future actions from an energy policy approach. Authors are invited to submit empirical papers emphasizing on the energy policy implications regarding the economics of energy efficiency applied to oil, gas or electricity sector.

Organising Institutions

Institu d'Economia de Barcelona logotipo Universitat de Barcelona logotipo


Keynotes speakers

Andreas Löschel (University of Münster)
Ulrich Wagner (University of Mannheim)
Interview Andreas Löschel (University of Münster)
Interview Ulrich Wagner (University of Mannheim)
Opening Ceremony

Oriol Escardíbul, Manager of University of Barcelona

José M. Durán, FIEB Director

María Teresa Costa-Campi, University of Barcelona and IEB-Chair of Energy Sustainability


“Getting serious about climate change policy? Coal phase out and carbon pricing in heat and transport in Germany”, Andreas Löschel (University of Münster)


Chair: Monica Giulietti (Loughborough University)


“Are richer households less efficient in electricity consumption?”, Pablo del Río (Spanish National Research Council (CSIC))


“Evaluating the consumption patterns and energy intensity evolution of the industrial sector”, Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Barcelona)


“Selling Electricity or Saving Electricity? Energy Saving Obligations in Liberalized Energy Markets, Matthieu Glachant (Mines ParisTech, CERNA)


“Dieselgate effect and its source of heterogeneity across countries”, Pierpaolo Parrotta (IÉSEG School of Management)


Chair: Andreas Löschel (University of Münster)


“The energy efficiency rebound effect in general equilibrium”, Christoph Böhringer (University of Oldenburg)


“Assessing energy efficient trends in the EU productive sectors: monetary- and physical-based index decomposition analysis”, Marina Economidou (Joint Research Centre)


“Differentiated green loans”, Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)


Chair: Tooraj Jamasb (Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure)


“Do sustainable energy policies matter for reducing greenhouse gas emissions?”, Donatella Baiardi (University of Parma)


“Environmental policies and energy efficiency investments. An industry-level analysis”, José García-Quevedo (University of Barcelona)

“When good managers face bad incentives: Management quality and energy intensity in the presence of price distortions”, Helena Schweiger (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)


“Climate policy for the business sector in the new decade: What can we learn from the past?”, Ulrich Wagner (University of Mannheim)

More information
Registration and Payment

You can make a bank transfer to:

IBAN ES58 2100 5731 7402 0023 6875

The proof of bank transfer must be sent by email to: ieb@ub.edu

The registration fee covers documentation, coffee breaks and working lunch.

Members of business community: The registration fee is 200,00 €

Members of academic / non-profit institutions

-Early registration (before January 18): 100 €

-Late registration (before January 31): 200 €

PhD students: fee waivers are available upon request (PLEASE, TAKE NOTE THAT YOU SHOULD SEND US BY EMAIL THE ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE)

Topics of interest

Energy efficiency

Smart meters

Energy system decarbonization

Policy and regulation

Green innovation

Energy poverty


Financing energy efficiency

Zero-energy buildings

Energy sustainability

Energy label and ecodesign



Deadline for submission of papers: October 14th, 2019

Deadline for acceptance of papers: October 28th, 2019

Registration of presenters: October 28th to November 18th, 2019


The full paper must be submitted by email (ieb.simposium@ub.edu) in PDF format. Attendance is free for presenters and it will include accommodation, coffee breaks and lunch. There is a registration fee for non-presenters; further information on the symposium will be available at the event webpage at the IEB website: www.ieb.ub.edu

Scientific Committee

Maria Teresa Costa (University of Barcelona&IEB)

Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Barcelona&IEB)

Jose García-Quevedo (University of Barcelona&IEB)

Joan Batalla (University of Barcelona  & Funseam&IEB)

Andreas Löschel (University of Münster)

Monica Giullietti (Loughborough University)

Juan Rosellón (CIDE & DIW Berlin)

Valentina Bosetti (Bocconi University)

Mike Waterson (Warwick University)

Joan Ramón Borrell (University of Barcelona)

Pere Mir (University of Lleida&IEB)

Pablo del Rio (CSIC&IEB)

Andres Picazo (University of Valencia)

Tooraj Jamasb (Durham University)

Organizing Committee

Maria Teresa Costa (University of Barcelona&IEB)

Elisa Trujillo-Baute (University of Barcelona&IEB)

Elisenda Jove (University of Barcelona)

Joan Batalla (University of Barcelona, Funseam&IEB)

Jose García-Quevedo (University of Barcelona&IEB)