

Acte: Workshop

IV Workshop on Economics of Education: Higher Education Financing Policy: Schemes and Effects

Inici: setembre 16, 2013 Fi: setembre 17, 2013

Sala de Recepcions - Faculty of Economics and Business. University of Barcelona. Tinent Coronel Valenzuela, 1-11. Barcelona


There is an increasing concern about the funding needs of higher education institutions. Many countries have reduced public spending without an equivalent increase in students’ scholarships and loans. Moreover, governments have allowed universities to increase their tuition fees. In this context, it is very relevant to analyze higher education financing schemes as well as the effects of tuition increases on both efficiency and equity. Thus, some factors should be considered, such as the impact of tuition fees on enrolment and graduation rates as well as on universities social composition.


Original research papers that cast some light on these issues, especially those from an economic perspective, will be brought together at the Workshop. Although the focus is set on empirical papers, theoretical studies are also welcome. The accepted papers (10) will be presented in plenary sessions that will complement the two keynote speakers’ presentations.

Institucions organitzadores

Institu d'Economia de Barcelona logotipo Universitat de Barcelona logotipo


Keynote speakers

Lorraine Dearden (Institute of Education - University of London & Institute for Fiscal Studies)
Susan Dynarski (University of Michigan & NBER)
More information

The presentations are scheduled as follows:
-20 minutes at most for the presenter
-5 minutes at most for the discussant
-10 minutes for general discussion

Scientific Committee

Lorraine Dearden (Institute of Education & Institute for Fiscal Studies)

Susan Dynarski (Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy & NBER)

Jorge Calero (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)

J.Oriol Escardíbul (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)

Toni Mora (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya & IEB)

Martí Parellada (Universitat de Barcelona & Director of the IEB)

Raúl Ramos (AQR-IREA, Universitat de Barcelona)

Josep Lluís Raymond (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & IEB)

Organizing Committee

Jorge Calero (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)

J.Oriol Escardíbul (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)

Topics of interest

Financing schemes

Scholarships & Loans


Efficiency & inequality

Tuition fees



Deadline for submission of papers: May 30, 2013

Deadline for acceptance of papers: June 21, 2013

Early Registration: May 1 to July 28, 2013

Late registration: July 29 to September 10, 2013


The registration fee covers documentation, coffee breaks and working lunches. Participants whose papers have been accepted are exempt from this payment. Free accommodation will also be provided for them. Papers should be sent to Only papers presented in PDF format will be considered and no longer than 30 pages.


Early registration (May 1 to July 28, 2013): 390 Euros

Late registration (July 29 to September 10, 2013): 450 Euros

Co-authors: 190 euros

Students: 90 euros.